Symposium W
GEM4/SMART Symposium On Infectious Diseases

Invited Speakers

  • Rafi AHMED, Emory Vaccine Center, USA
  • Gang BAO, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
  • Clifton BARRY, National Institutes of Health, USA
  • Antonio BERTOLETTI, Singapore Institute of Clinical Sciences, Singapore
  • Bettina BOTTCHER, University of Edinburgh, UK
  • Pierre BUFFET, Groupe Hospitalier Pitie-salpetriere, France
  • Jianzhu CHEN, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
  • Wah CHIU, Baylor College of Medicine, USA
  • Brian COOKE, Monash University, Australia
  • Duane DUBLER, John A. Burns School of Medicine, USA
  • Friedrich FRISCHKNECHT, University of Heidelberg Medical School, Germany
  • Darrell IRVINE, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
  • Maroun KHOURY, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
  • Luke LEE, University of California, Berkeley, USA
  • Chris LOVE, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
  • Robert MENARD, Institute Pasteur, France
  • Genevieve MILON, Institute Pasteur, France
  • Lisa NG, SIgN, Singapore
  • Hidde PLOEGH, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
  • Eric RUBIN, Harvard School of Public Health, USA
  • Geert SCHMID-SCHONBEIN, University of California, San Diego, USA
  • John SKEHEL, National Institute for Medical Research, UK
  • Subra SURESH, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
  • Rosemary TAN, Veredus, Singapore
  • Nick WHITE, Wellcome Trust, Mahidol University, Thailand