Symposium F
Nanostructured Materials for Electrochemical Energy Systems: Lithium Batteries, Supercapacitors and Fuel Cells


  • Balaya PALANI, National University of Singapore, Singapore


  • San Ping JIANG, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  • B.V.R. CHOWDARI, National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • Atsuo YAMADA, University of Tokyo, Japan


  • Balaya PALANI
    National University of Singapore
    Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Block E3A, #04-23
    7 Engineering Drive 1, Singapore 117574
    Tel: (65) 65167644, Fax: (65) 67754710

Scope of Symposium

This symposium will provide an excellent opportunity to bring together experts in the area of energy conversion and storage. Nanomaterials have shown unusual and exciting performances in the area of electrochemical energy systems due to enhanced surface to volume ratio and reduced transport length for the charge carriers, ions and electrons. Number of novel mechanisms has been introduced recently for the energy conversion and storage due to nanocrystallinity. Members belonging to materials community will be highly benefited as this symposium is expected to provide an excellent exposure for them to exploit the usage of nanostructured materials in various electrochemical systems such as fuel cells, lithium batteries and supercapacitors.


Authors are requested to submit a camera-ready manuscript (prepared in accordance with the Trans Tech editor and typing instructions) for publication of the symposium proceeding scheduled in the periodical "Solid State Phenomena", on the first day of the conference. They will be intimated about the acceptance of their manuscript based on the regular review process.

The periodical will be available in full text online at

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