Symposium R
Single Crystals: Growth and Applications for Research and Industry


  • Christian KLOC, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


  • Wenping HU, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science, China
  • Fang-Cheng CHOU, National Taiwan University, Taiwan


  • Christian KLOC
    Nanyang Technological University,
    School of Materials Science & Engineering
    Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798
    Tel: (65) 67904716, Fax: (65) 67909081

Scope of Symposium

This symposium will cover the field of growth and application of single crystals of considerable scientific and technological interest. Availability of high quality single crystals continuously determines the pace of progress in many areas of condensed matter physics; like for example in semiconductors, ferroelectrics, magnetics, optoelectronics, organic microelectronics or superconductivity. Crystal growth from its very beginning has included experts from different disciplines currying on interdisciplinary research focused on samples for basic research, technology or commercial interest. This symposium should encompass single crystal growers with single crystal users. Should help crystal growers to define current needs for samples leading to breakthrough enabling materials as well as allows crystal users to formulate the critical parameters achievable in crystal growth laboratories. This symposium will focus on interactions between growth, purity, quality or structure and physical properties. This symposium will provide a forum for exploring current results inspired by availability of single crystals. Abstracts are solicited on all aspects of properties and characterization of single crystals emerging from perfection of crystal growth technology.