Symposium B
Nanomaterials for Bioimaging and Biosensing


  • S. Tamil SELVAN, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), Singapore
  • Hsiao-hua YU, RIKEN, Japan


  • Paul MULVANEY, University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Hsian-Rong TSENG, UCLA, USA
  • Luis M. LIZ-MARZAN, University of Vigo, Spain


  • S. Tamil SELVAN
    Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE)
    3 Research Link
    Singapore 117602
    Tel: (65) 6874 5249
    Fax: (65) 6872 0785

Scope of Symposium

Advanced nanomaterials display unique robustness, physical and chemical properties. They offer a myriad of opportunities to couple analyte-receptor interactions into observable and transduced signals. They also provide unique opportunities for bioimaging applications. In this symposium, different aspects and types of nanomaterials for bioimaging and biosensing will be covered. The objective is to draw a diverse group of researchers including chemists, material scientists, physicists, engineers, medical doctors, and biochemists to discuss new ideas, experimental findings, prototypes, and challenges ranging from synthesis, and characterization to the application of nanomaterials for bioimaging and biosensing.