Symposium V
Materials Education: New Tools and Resources


  • John BAGLIN, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
  • B.V.R. CHOWDARI, National University of Singapore, Singapore


  • Laura BARTOLO, Kent State University, USA
  • Tim J WHITE, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


  • J.E.E. Baglin
    IBM Almaden Research Center (K10/D1)
    650 Harry Road
    San Jose, CA 95120, USA
    Tel: (1) 4089272280

Scope of the Symposium

An unprecedented variety of excellent resources readily available today offers opportunities for creating, polishing, and sustaining dynamic, compelling, and state-of-the-art programs in materials education. And new curricula, new software, new web resources, new literature, new lab modules, and new facilities are actively being developed. This Symposium invites innovators in these areas to discuss their works in-progress, and invites presentations of new, successful teaching tools and strategies. It especially seeks to present summaries and reviews of available resources (such as modules online or on CD, or great reference sources) that will be useful for all those seeking to update and enrich their materials education activities at levels including K-14, undergraduate, graduate, continuing education, and community outreach.