Symposium K
Nano Patterning & Surface Characterization


  • Isabel RODRIGUEZ, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Singapore
  • Hua ZHANG, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


  • Andrew T.S. WEE, National University of Singapore
  • Lars MONTELIUS, Lund University, Sweden
  • Li-Jun WAN, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


  • Isabel RODRIGUEZ
    Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Singapore
    Research Link
    Singapore 117602
    Tel: (65) 68748137, Fax: (65) 68720785

Scope of Symposium

New functional nanostructured surfaces have emerged with applications that go beyond information and data storage to optics and biomedicine. In particular, nanofabrication technologies applied to polymers have enabled the development of new products such as organic electronic displays, sensors, flexible solar cells and biofluidic devices. SPM technologies are invaluable research tools for patterning and characterization of surface morphologies, surface properties and interactions of materials at the nanometer scale.

The symposium is intended to be a forum devoted to advances in nanopatterning and surface characterization technologies that enable the successful development and expansion of materials science into new fields of application.


Selected papers will be published in the International Journal of Nanoscience (IJN).

Manuscripts will be collected during the conference period.

Details for preparation of manuscripts can be found at: IJN webpage