Symposium G
Plasmonics and Applications


  • Boris LUK’YANCHUK, Data Storage Institute, A*STAR, Singapore
  • Daniel S. PICKARD, National University of Singapore, Singapore


  • Mark BRONGERSMA, Stanford University, USA
  • Girsh BLUMBERG, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, USA
  • Erping LI, Institute for High Performance Computing, Singapore


  • Daniel S. PICKARD
    National University of Singapore
    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Block E4, Level 5, Room 45
    4 Engineering Drive 3
    Singapore 117576
    Tel: (65) 65167116, Fax: (65) 67791103

Scope of Symposium

There is a growing interest in the sub-wavelength control and manipulation of electromagnetic energy at optical frequencies (nano-photonics). A rapidly expanding branch of this field, plasmonics, aims at harnessing the unique properties of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) to miniaturize optical components to the nanoscopic dimensions of their electronic counterparts. Metallic nanostructures can also be fabricated to concentrate and locally enhance the electromagnetic fields by orders of magnitude. This effect is achieved by either engineering the metallic nanostructures to function as optical antennas or by controlling the illumination conditions to launch SPPs at a metal-vacuum or metal-dielectric interface. The potential applications of these phenomena span many disciplines and include high speed nano-scale interconnects, meta-materials, chemical and biological sensing, sub-wavelength optics and waveguides, near-field optical trapping, high-density data storage, and the enhancement of non-linear effects.

Symposium Supported by

Asian Office of Aerospace R&D and Air Force Office of Scientific Research