Symposium D
Functional Ceramic Materials, Oxide Thin Films and Heterostructures


  • Hans HILGENKAMP, University of Twente, The Netherlands
  • Jun Min XUE, National University of Singapore, Singapore


  • Venky VENKATESAN, National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • John WANG, National University of Singapore, Singapore


    University of Twente
    Faculty of Science and Technology, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede,
    The Netherlands
  • Jun Min XUE
    National University of Singapore
    Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Singapore
    Tel: (65) 65164655, Fax: (65) 67763604

Scope of Symposium

This symposium is aimed at providing a forum for participants from academic, research and development, and industrial communities worldwide to exchange latest information and progress on functional ceramic materials, oxide thin films and heterostructures. It also addresses the future development of functional ceramic materials and oxide thin films for electrical, electronic, magnetic, optical, optoelectric and functional applications. Topical areas will cover all the new and rapidly developing areas of functional ceramic materials, oxide thin films and heterostructures, fabrication, physical and functional properties as well as their applications.



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  • The proceeding will be published in "Thin Solid Films" which is available via: Elsevier Website
  • The proceedings will only appear in on-line form, not in a paper version.
  • The format requirements for the articles are the same as for regular submission.
  • Submission of a paper implies that it represents original work not previously published and not being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • The proceedings will comprise of 5 (five) page manuscripts for the key-note and invited talks and 3 (three) page manuscripts for the contributed oral and poster presentations.
  • The authors should indicate minimally 1 and maximally 6 key-words related to their article, which will be used to create an index.
  • Authors should submit the manuscripts to the chairs of the Symposium, who will conduct a regular peer-review process.
  • The chairs reserve the right to make a selection of the papers for the proceedings, on the basis of the total amount of pages available for the proceedings.
  • For the submission of the articles, two slots of two hours each will be reserved on the first day of the conference (Monday, June 29), and the third day (Wednesday, July 1). More details will be made available in due course.
  • The papers should be submitted on CD and in 3 paper copies.
  • It is especially to be noted that papers of which the use of the English language does not meet the criteria for publication will be rejected straightaway. The editors have no possibilities for language amendments.