Symposium Q
Computational Materials Design at All Scales: From Theory to Application


  • Khin Yong LAM, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


  • Ping WU, A*STAR Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore
  • Yuan Ping FENG, National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • Teng Yong NG, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  • J. N. REDDY, Texas A&M University, USA
  • Joan ADLER, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel


  • Teng Yong NG
    Nanyang Technological University
    School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    50 Nanyang Avenue
    Singapore 639798
    Tel: (65) 67904797

Scope of Symposium

The availability of advanced simulation tools which are sufficiently accurate to design and predict novel materials and processes is the key to achieve a quantum leap in the way new materials are developed. In order to fully understand the macroscopic properties of novel material systems, especially new nanomaterials, it is crucial to understand/simulate the properties and mechanisms on shorter length- and time-scales, even all the way to the most fundamental mechanisms describing the chemical bonds. Thus nanoscale modeling and simulation will become increasingly important in the design and study of new nanomaterials. This symposium will provide the ideal forum for computational materials scientists and engineers to showcase their latest endeavors in this broad and exciting field of computational materials design. The symposium will cover the design and development of all novel/refined material systems, including new nanomaterials. It will range from theory to application, for which computational tools have been deployed in the process. It will also encompass the hierarchy of simulation techniques, from first principle ab initio techniques to continuum approaches and multiscale techniques.


All registrants to Symposium Q are now invited to submit full papers full paper versions of their abstract submissions to a supplement issue of Computational Materials Science (COMMAT) for publication consideration.

Please submit manuscript softcopy via email to Dr Ng Teng Yong, in MS-WORD and/or PDF formats.

Please refer to the following link for more general instructions to COMMAT authors: Author Instruction

For this supplement issue, adherence to a maximum allowed manuscript length of 9 pages will be strictly enforced.

The deadline for manuscript submission is 7th August 2009.

The costs for color figures are Euro 270 (excluding VAT) per image, and shall be borne by the corresponding author.