Symposium O
Compound Semiconductor Photonics: Materials, Devices and Integration


  • Soo-Jin CHUA, National University of Singapore/Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Singapore


  • Jung HAN, Yale University, USA
  • Hiromasa ITO, Tohoku University, Japan
  • Jinghua TENG, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Singapore
  • Aaron DANNER, National University of Singapore, Singapore


  • Jinghua TENG
    Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE)
    3 Research link, Singapore 117602
    Tel: (65) 68748590, Fax: (65) 68720785

Scope of Symposium

Photonics is a cross discipline between materials, devices, semiconductor processing and physical optics and has vast industry relevance. Semiconductors are the dominant materials used in photonics. In recent years continued progress in the research and development of new materials and devices has led to a better understanding of fundamental knowledge in electronic structures, carrier dynamics and electron-photon-phonon interactions. These have generated widespread applications in solid state lighting, imaging, displays, signal processing, chemical and biological sensing, surveillance, solar cells and wide band-width communications.



Presented and peer reviewed papers will be published in a conference proceedings by Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd.

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