Symposium I
Carbon Rich Materials (CRMs) and Applications


  • Valiyaveettil SURESH, Department of Chemistry, National University of Singapore, Singapore


  • Kian Ping LOH, Department of Chemistry, NUS, Singapore
  • Furong ZHU, IMRE, Singapore
  • Klaus MUELLEN, Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany
  • Barbaros OEZYILMAZ, Physics (NUSNNI), NUS, Singapore


  • Valiyaveettil SURESH
    National University of Singapore,
    Department of Chemistry S9-05-12,
    3 Science Drive 3, Singapore 117543
    Tel: (65) 65164327, Fax: (65) 67791691

Scope of the Symposium

Research and development of carbon rich materials (CRMs) hold a key to new generation of technologies and industries. Even though many carbon rich materials (e.g. diamond, graphite, fullerene, carbon nanotubes, carbon fibers)1 are known and used by the industry, there are plenty of room to discover new compounds from carbon. Such optimism stems from the fact that elemental carbon has the unique feature of high stability and optimum reactivity. In addition, many industries use carbon for various applications, which range form adsorbents for pollutants to electronic industries. The symposium will review the state-of the-art development in this emerging area.