Symposium A
Advanced Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine (In Conjunction with 2nd Asian Biomaterials Congress)


  • Swee-Hin TEOH, National University of Singapore


  • Hanry YU, National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • Fwu-Shan, SHEU, National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • Tony, MIKOS, Rice University, Texas, USA
  • Yasuhiko, TABATA, Kyoto University, Japan
  • Hae-Ryong, SONG, Korea Universtity Medical Centre, South Korea
  • JW DAI, Inst Genetics & Dev Biology, China Academy of Science, China


  • Swee-Hin TEOH
    National University of Singapore
    9 Engineering Drive 1, Singapore 117576
    Tel: (65) 65164605, Fax: (65) 67791459

Scope of Symposium

Biomaterials have made important contributions to health care, medical device breakthroughs and new methods of drug delivery for cancer treatment and the new tissue engineering fields. It is believed that the next break through in science is working at the interface of one or more discipline. Advanced Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine are considered key disciplines to drive this breakthrough. Biomaterials cover wide interdisciplinary topics which include biological, metallic, polymeric, ceramic, composite, hybrid implant materials and intelligent materials. Of importance is the study of cell-biomaterial interactions and surface modification to enhance biocompatibility. The scope of the present symposium will cover macro to nano scale biomaterials engineering, including integration of medical imaging, optical microscopy and computational materials modelling techniques to evaluate the performance of biomaterials and tissue engineered organs. While emphasis is placed on basic research findings, the manufacturing and the failure analysis aspects will also be addressed. The restoring of tissues with minimal host rejection through advances in tissue engineering will also be a key focus. The present conference brings the latest trends in advanced biomaterials and regenerative medicine.

Second Asian BioMaterials Congress (2nd ABMC)

The 1st ABMC was held successfully in Tsukuba, Japan, 6-8, Dec 2007 with more than 500 participants from major Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, China and Singapore (including Australia). Singapore was chosen for the 2nd ABMC. The 2nd ABMC will be held 2 days earlier (26 to 27 June 2009) than the official date for ICMAT2009. It will be held at the Faculty of Engineering, Engineering Auditorium, National University of Singapore. The venue was chosen so as to maximise interactions between researchers, provide more opportunities for oral presentations and reduce cost. This will be a unique time and biomaterials scientists will have a chance to hear some of the breakthroughs that is happening in Asia. Special registration and University accommodation has been arranged to make this event a resounding success.

2nd ABMC Technical Programme (as at 15 June 09)

Asian Biomaterials Congress Executive Committee

  • Yoshito IKADA, Japan
  • Teruo OKANO, Japan
  • Xingdong ZHANG, China
  • Tingfei XI, China
  • Yang LENG, Hong Kong
  • Young Ha KIM, Korea
  • Ging-Ho HSIUE, Taiwan
  • Swee-Hin TEOH, Singapore

Past Chairman

  • TATEISHI Tetsuya, Japan
  • USHIDA Takashi, Japan

Int'l Scientific Advisory Board

  • AMBROSIO L, Italy
  • DI SILVIO Lucy, UK
  • FRATZL Peter, Germany
  • GRIESSER Hans, Australia
  • HILDEBRAND Hartmut F, France
  • HUTMACHER Dietmar W, Australia
  • LANGER Robert, USA
  • REIS Rui L, Portugal
  • SÁNDOR, George, Canada
  • SUURONEN, Riitta, Finland
  • TAYLOR, David, Ireland


Symposium A may publish a post-conference proceedings based on invitation basis after judging the presentations made during the conference.

Details of the publication (if any) will be updated on this webpage after the conference.