Theme Lectures


The School of Chemistry The University of Nottingham, UK

Title: Supercritical Fluids: Clean solvents for Cleaner Materials

Supercritical fluids are gases such as CO2 or steam, compressed until they are nearly as dense as liquids. In this state, they show an intriguing combination of properties normally associated with gases and liquids. In this lecture, I outline some recent applications of supercritical fluids from our own laboratories and elsewhere for the cleaner preparation of materials including thin films, nanoparticles and gas inclusion compounds.

I thank my colleagues, coworkers and collaborators, particularly those in AstraZeneca, the SI Group, Promethean Particles Ltd, Thomas Swan & Co Ltd and INVISTA Performance Technologies for their help and support. We are grateful for funding from the EPSRC, EU Marie Curie Programme and the Royal Society.