Bill MILNE, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Francesco STELLACCI, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Marcus FREITAG, IBM Watson Research Center, United States
Qing ZHANG, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Email: Tel: (65) 6790 5061 Fax: (65) 6793 3318 Mailing Address: School of EEE Nanyang Technological University 50 Nanyang Ave Singapore 639798
Scope of Symposium
A variety of devices at nanometer scale / molecular scale for electronic, photonics, optoelectronics, biological and mechanical applications have been created through a rapid development of materials and fabrication technology. Further development of nanodevices strongly depends on the state-of-the-art knowledge of science and technology at the sub-100nm length scale. This symposium serves as a nice platform on which scientists and engineers can present and highlight some of the key advances in the following topics:
Symposium Topics
- Electronic and optoelectronic devices of nanometer scale / molecular scale - Nanomechanics and NEMS - Electromechanical coupled devices - Manipulation and aligning processes at nanometer scale / molecular scale - Quantum phenomena - Modeling of nanodevices and nanostructures - Fabrication and property characterization of nanodevices - Nanofabrication with focused beam technology, e.g., focused ion beam, laser and proton beam.
Invited Speakers
Mary B CHAN, Nanyang Technological University,
Matthew COLE, University of Cambridge, AIXTRON Ltd., United Kingdom
Andrea FERRARI, Cambridge University,
Marcus FREITAG, IBM Watson Research Center,
Ricardo GARCIA, Spanish National Research Council,
Henri HAPPY, Institut d’Electronique, de Microe´lectronique et de Nanotechnologie,
Pablo JARILLO-HERRERO, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Nicola MARZARI, University of Oxford,
Bill MILNE, University of Cambridge,
Kostya OSTRIKOV, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation,
Didier PRIBAT, Sungkyunkwan University,
Bernard RATIER, XLIM research institut,
Federico ROSEI, INRS, Université du Québec,
Ravi SILVA, University of Surrey,
A.K. SOH, The University of Hong Kong,
Avanish SRIVASTAVA, National Physical Laboratory,
Francesco STELLACCI, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
Changqing SUN, Nanyang Technological University,
Carl V. THOMPSON, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Jianbin XU, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Xixiang ZHANG, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology,
Organised by
In association with
Supported by
Conference Managed by Meeting Matters International