Armin ABERLE, Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Bram HOEX, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Shuyan XU, National Institute of Education, Singapore
Stefan GLUNZ, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Germany
Andreas BETT, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Germany
Armin ABERLE, Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore, Singapore Email: Tel: +65 6516 4155 Fax: +65 6775 1943 Mailing Address: 7 Engineering Drive 1 NUS, Building E3A, #06-01
To reduce the cost of photovoltaic (PV) electricity, ongoing innovations in the field of PV materials and devices are required. In the field of standard PV technologies, the emergence of lower-purity silicon wafers demands a better understanding of contaminants and defects in crystalline silicon. Fully realising the potential of thin-film solar cells based on silicon, CdTe, CIS and related materials requires a deeper understanding of issues such as electrically active defects. In the field of concentrator PV, a good understanding of bandgap engineering and defects in epitaxial semiconductor films is critical for ultra-high-performance III-V solar cells. This symposium covers the broad field of inorganic PV materials and devices, ranging from silicon feedstock and wafers via thin-film solar cells to advanced concepts for PV energy conversion. Contributions in the following areas are particularly welcome: 1) Characterization of PV materials 2) Crystalline silicon feedstock, ingots, wafers 3) Silicon wafer solar cells: Defect engineering and device processing 4) Silicon thin-film solar cells 5) CdTe, CIS and related compound semiconductor thin-film solar cells 6) III-V semiconductor materials and solar cells 7) Novel concepts for PV energy conversion 8) PV modules: Materials, fabrication, performance and durability